Auto insurance can help protect you from expensive, sometimes devastating surprises. You can control costs by working with an insurance agent that has a strong network of carriers. We have 30+ carriers for auto insurance in Arizona to choose from!
Arizona’s Auto Liability Insurance Minimum limits increased on July 1, 2020!
Regarding the Arizona Department of Insurance, Arizona increases Auto Liability Insurance Minimum limits from 15/30/10 to 25/50/15 effective July 1, 2020.
- $25,000 for one person sustaining bodily injury or death in an accident
- $50,000 for two or more persons sustaining bodily injury or death in an accident, and
- $15,000 for damage to others’ property
It is low for everyone in Arizona – no exceptions.
Any Arizona customers (who have auto liability minimum coverage) renewing or reissuing their auto insurance after July 1st will automatically renew or reissue with those new limits. But if you are wise, you will buy more insurance than minimum coverage.
Arizona liability limits have not been increased since 1972 – the average new car costs $3,500 back those days.
The Arizona legislature decided to increase the limits last year before the COVID pandemic so this is just bad timing.
Please contact your representative or our agency for any questions or concerns (623) 439-2525
We can help:
- Find available Arizona auto insurance discounts
- Adjust your coverage, at your request, as your life changes
- Help to go through the auto claims process
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